Our Combined Impact

Partnering with Start Proud amplifies the impact of both our organizations. Together, we champion the rights and opportunities of 2SLGBTQ+ individuals, fostering inclusive workplaces and communities. By joining forces, we can create significant positive change, support professional development, and promote diversity and inclusion across various industries. Our combined efforts ensure that 2SLGBTQ+ professionals and students have access to safe, supportive environments where they can thrive.

Corporate Partnerships with Start Proud: Amplify Your Impact, Champion Diversity, and Foster Inclusive Growth

Advance Corporate Social Responsibility

Align with a reputable non-profit dedicated to the advancement of 2SLGBTQ+ rights and opportunities, showcasing your commitment to social responsibility.

Access Top Talent

Connect with a diverse pool of talented 2SLGBTQ+ professionals and students who are eager to contribute to inclusive workplaces, expanding your talent pipeline.

Promote Diversity and Inclusion

Showcase your commitment to creating an inclusive workplace that values and supports 2SLGBTQ+ employees, enhancing your company's culture and reputation.

Build Brand Reputation

Showcase your organization as a leader in diversity and inclusion, strengthening your brand reputation among employees, customers, and stakeholders.

“Inclusion isn't just about doing the right thing, it's good business practice. In an uncertain economic market, a company can bet on meaningfully inclusive teams to develop innovative solutions and carry the day.”
Mathias Memmel

Network and Collaborate

Engage with other like-minded organizations and industry leaders committed to fostering inclusive environments, creating opportunities for collaboration and innovation.

Partnership Opportunities
Start Proud Membership

Become a Proud Partner and enjoy year-round benefits, including exclusive branding opportunities, priority access to events, and direct engagement with our 2SLGBTQ+ network.

Event Sponsorship

Connect with a diverse pool of talented 2SLGBTQ+ professionals and students who are eager to contribute to inclusive workplaces, expanding your talent pipeline.

Workshops & Panels

Participate in or host workshops and panels that provide valuable insights and professional development opportunities for 2SLGBTQ+ professionals and students.

Mentorship Programs

Support mentorship initiatives that connect your employees with emerging 2SLGBTQ+ talent, fostering growth and development.

Career Fairs and Networking Events

Access exclusive networking opportunities with top 2SLGBTQ+ talent, promoting your organization as an employer of choice.

Help us create a world where equality is simply the norm.
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