Panel: AI, Privacy and Queer Rights
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3:00pm - 3:45pm
September 21, 2024

How do queer rights intersect with the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence? "Queer Rights and AI" explores this critical question, delving into the implications of AI systems on LGBTQ+ communities and the ethical challenges they present. The panel will discuss the impact of AI on daily life, the role of education in preparing society for AI’s influence, and how biases in AI systems affect queer individuals. Panelists will share insights on navigating the ethical landscape of AI development and governance, offering recommendations for both policymakers and industry professionals to promote fairness and protect human rights in the AI era.


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Blair Attard Frost
University of Toronto
PhD Candidate
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Lela Draganic
TD Bank
Senior Information Security Specialist
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Lisa Hartman
Privacy Lawyer